2019 Summer Volunteer Groups

6.14.2019 Disher Design

Disher came out and helped us remove a retaining wall, clean out vehicles, pull weeds, spread dirt and grass seed, and more!

6.25.2019 Youth Week

Work Groups 31 and 15 came out during Youth Week to help with activities, clean vans, and beating the heat with a water fight!

7.9.2019 Blythefield Hills Baptist Church

Blythefield Hills Baptist Church sent their youth group out to serve icre cream sundaes and help make pillows with the residents!

7.17.2019 Ada Bible

Ada Bible came out to assist with a little yard work and clean up around the houses!

7.24.2019 Brookside Serve Week

Brookside Serve Week came out for 2 days and played games and painted with residents, washed vans, and enjoyed a water fight!