Forever Homes
We are aware of many families that are looking for a place for their adult loved one to call home. David’s House wishes to serve more of these individuals; however, the current funding need creates a barrier to this service. It is our hope that over the next three years, we can secure funding that will provide for the future in three main areas.
Last updated 3/21/2021
Forever Homes $8.5M Goal
Case for Support
David’s House Ministries exists to extend God’s love and foster a community of care to adults with special needs, As a result of this charge, we strive to provide a house that becomes a home for as long as each individual resident chooses to live with us… A Forever Home.
David’s House receives funding from the federal government through Medicaid from the resident’s home community mental health organization, as well as Social Security income. This is considered payment in full for every resident. This funding covers approximately 65% of our operating budget, the rest comes from annual fundraising.

Campaign Breakdown
Annual Fund
This fund is responsible for providing 35% of our operating budget.
This fund allows us to continue to build while staying debt-free.
Financial Security
This fund will allow us to contribute a regular source of income to the ministry.
For questions, contact Greg Vander Goot by email or 616-284-4383 or
Casey Kuperus by email or 616-284-4388
Committee Members
- Carl Dufendach
- Gwen Heys
- Casey Kuperus
- Tom Nobel
- Mike Sherman
- Greg Vander Goot
Design Group……..