How would you like to make someone’s day? During these times when residents are unable to visit with loved ones and friends like they normally would, getting mail can be a huge encouragement. We want you to write a letter or color/draw a picture that will uplift a resident!
We’re not all Hemingway’s and Picasso’s, but we can all make something beautiful for ourselves and others by putting pen to paper.
A handwritten letter is a tangible thing, a novelty that we often overlook—something that engages our senses in a way that technology currently cannot. It is something they can display on their desk, tuck in a drawer, or place in a scrapbook. It is a physical reminder of the writer, and that they are cared for.
Writing on paper doesn’t only benefit the recipient! The act of creating a letter or coloring, of sitting at a desk and taking the time to put pen to paper, is an exercise in mindfulness. By taking the time to write or color, you will live entirely in the present moment, not distracted by technology. It requires disconnecting from the world of technology for a few moments. You will live only in those thoughts you craft for your recipient.
Take a few minutes right now, sit down, and write a letter to a resident telling them about yourself, maybe say a joke or a riddle and let them know that they are loved. Making a difference can be so simple, yet it can be incredibly impactful!
If you would like to help, please mail your letters and pictures to:
2251 Hope Grove Ave, Wyoming, MI 49509.
We’ll make sure they are properly sanitized, and then we’ll deliver to those who don’t typically receive mail.
Thank you for continuing to provide some smiles and hope to the residents of David’s House.