by Lisa Glover
As a Program Coordinator at David’s House, I feel as though the world is my oyster! The main goal of my job is to brainstorm and implement meaningful activities for residents to engage in. There are some parameters regarding cost, accessibility, and safety, but otherwise pretty much anything residents would like to do is fair game. This makes the job extremely fun and rewarding!
Every Friday morning all of the David’s House residents are invited to a large group activity we call “workshop”. From learning yoga to creating pencil drawings of flowers to enjoying coffee and doughnuts while we ask questions about each other, our Friday morning workshops are a space to be intentional with how we spend our time and enjoy the company of one another.
What I’ve quickly realized through planning these weekly workshops is that I don’t know very much! Because the variety of interests residents have is so wide, I can’t possibly be an expert in everything. Praise God I don’t have to be!
Perhaps the most influential and exciting workshops have been when guest speakers come to share their expertise with us. My sister, Amy, is a dietician. She came and taught us about healthy eating and how to make green smoothies. Amy led a conversation with everyone about favorite foods, and helped us to better understand what a balanced diet looks like. My mom who is a dental hygienist shared ways to keep our teeth and gums healthy. She engaged the residents in a conversation about brushing and flossing habits, and about how sugary foods can be harmful to your teeth. My good friend, Liza, brought her therapy dog in for residents to pet and feed treats to. Her dog, Charlie, interacted with each resident while Liza taught us about how spending time with a dog can improve a person’s well-being.
Each of these women have a lot of knowledge about specific skills and chose to come share that with all of us at David’s House. It’s been such a pleasure inviting friends, family and community members to our Friday workshops. I hope to continue to have volunteers come teach us about their job, hobby, traveling adventure, and share about their lives. It allows us to grow as individuals and in community with each other.
Are you, your business or organization interested in hosting a workshop with our residents? Contact us for more information about how you can get involved. We’d love to have you here!
Lisa Glover is the House Two Program Coordinator at David’s House Ministries.
Read more about Lisa here.