So, you’re taking the next step to finalize your will or trust.
Congratulations! You’re among a growing number of believers who recognize how important it is to determine and prepare the next stewards of your God-given resources.
Now is it time to call a lawyer to prepare and sign your final documents? Well, that depends… Before you pick up the phone, pause to ask yourself these questions.
- 1. Does my plan reflect my priorities?
Your will is more than just a legal paper that documents who gets what. It’s also a powerful testimony of what matters most to you. What are the core values and guiding principles by which you’ve lived your life? Consider how your estate plan might communicate these priorities to your family and the world.
- 2. Does my plan appropriately care for all my people?
There is no “one-size-fits-all” way to structure your distributions. Do you have loved ones with special needs? How prepared are your heirs to manage resources well? How much is enough for your children, grandchildren or other loved ones? Your plan should be structured in a way that supports the values and financial freedom you wish to pass on to the next generation.
- 3. Does my plan support my passions?
Through your will, you have the opportunity to give in a substantial way to David’s House Ministries and the other causes that mean so much to you. What are the greatest needs you see in the world today? What passions has God placed in your heart? You can extend your Kingdom impact well beyond your lifetime by including charitable gifts in your will.
Yes, it’s critical to finalize your legal will – but careful planning will offer greater peace of mind and effectiveness once it’s done. By pausing to ask and answer these three important questions, you’ll be well on your way toward a God-honoring plan that supports your family and accomplishes your charitable goals.
What’s your next step and key considerations for your completed will? Request your free copy of “The Roadmap to Your Completed Will” by calling Greg Vander Goot at 616-284-4383 or email