November 2022
Dear Friends,
In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents. As you may well know, in this story, a man goes on a trip and entrusts varying levels of money to three servants. Two of these servants steward his money wisely and double the money they received. One servant buries his money and returns it with zero gains.
As I look at our past few years here at David’s House Ministries, I believe we have stewarded the resources entrusted to us well. Though we are not in the business of “doubling our money” we are in the business of stewarding God’s resources to provide love and care for his people. Weekly I receive calls from individuals looking for a home; we know we want to provide for more people and know that the only way to grow is to continue to steward our resources.
We have seen phenomenal growth over the past few years while also controlling our costs and stretching our revenue. Since 2018, David’s House has doubled the number of homes that we own; resulting in an increase of 24 residents who call David’s House their home. Since 2018, David’s House has also increased the starting wage for Resident Life Assistants by 27% or $4.00 per hour to remain competitive in the job market and maintain a payroll of nearly 100 employees.
This year’s budget serving sixty-one residents is $5 million, with a need to fundraise $1.5 million to cover the gap that our current service revenue does not cover. This need is a decrease of $200,000 from when David’s House was serving thirty-seven residents.
David’s House continues to be blessed with the support of many individual donors, churches, and foundations throughout the year. As the end of the year approaches, we have set a goal of raising $400,000 before year-end. This will allow us to stay on track with the $1.5 million needed throughout this fiscal year.
I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider an addition to your typical year-end gift to David’s House. As we continue to decipher how we can grow our “talents” here in West Michigan, we know that the most important first step is to make sure we continue to meet our annual budget needs.
Thank you for your continued support of the work at David’s House Ministries.

Casey Kuperus
President – David’s House Ministries
P.S. Please contact us with any questions related to stock gifts or how to join our Legacy Society.